Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Volunteer Counts Portend Outcome?

I drove by all 3 polling places earlier and saw: strong volunteer representation from Trane supporters; medium participation from Ballantyne supporters; and one lone Puglia sign holder in Teele square.

Also spotted was Bob Trane himself on Holland Ave.

If you're around the polling places during the day please post what you see below. Thanks.


  1. Capen Court was buzzing with traffic in and out, at 12:15; all visible affiliation was on Trane supporters.

    Elderly poll worker joked with me (I'm in my 30's) about me being the youngest voter she'd seen.

    Boo to Trane for manipulating turnout by moving the polling location away from WSCS.

  2. Do you have any support for the notion that Trane was involved in moving the polling place and that doing so was in his favor?

  3. This sounds plausible enough:

  4. Given the old/young divide, it seems obvious that the Senior Center location favors him. The reason I voted against him is that he's been very much a voice of "let's preemptively shut down the party" on the westsomerville (formerly c3) mailing list.

    The commenters are right that there's no polling location that's truly central, but the school was much handier for those on their way towards a bus stop (walking towards Teele or Clarendon Hill).

  5. And I'm sure that the VNA is more convenient for other Precinct-3 voters.
