Tuesday, August 16, 2011

A Closer Look at Puglia's Responses

As mentioned earlier, Joan Whitney Puglia did respond to the Progressive Democrats questionnaire (despite what the PDS web site says and despite what was, according to Puglia, told to a Boston Globe correspondent). While the PDS site does not display Puglia's responses, they can be found here on Puglia's web site. Let's take a look at some of those responses...

1. 'Adjustment of education records' has me confused right off the bat. Puglia may have wanted to explain this reply more thoroughly as I simply do not understand what adjustments might be required for members of the GLBT community (unless, like me, those members earned a 'C' in a summer class because sailing in the harbor seemed more attractive than studying).

2. Excellent response. Puglia actually lists three things that should would work to accomplish rather than simply spouting three vague themes (like, for instance, "open, inclusive government, affordability and local jobs").

3. Here again, I think we see a 'more concrete' reply from Puglia than we saw from the other challenger. I will admit - and this probably prevents me from ever earning a 'progressive' endorsement - that this is a hot-button issue for me. In my opinion, when government seeks to keep privately-owned housing affordable, the landlords/property owners are left holding the bag or are more inclined to allow the property to decay thus harming the neighborhood.

4. Once again Puglia shows 'real world' wisdom rather than engaging in the type of 'politician-speak' of Ms. Ballantyne.

5. As I mentioned in the look at Ballantyne's responses, I think Somerville would be better off with a Wal*Mart than it is with an empty space.

6. Another point for Puglia as she points out, in my opinion, how silly the question is.

7. Puglia points out her experience in supporting candidates.

8. An easy issue for all candidates to support.

9. Hold on, Joan -- we need you take a stance on plastic bags! ;)

Having read the responses of the two challengers and the pages of the Progressive Democrats web site, I have cocluded that I am not qualified to make the determination regarding which of these candidates should win the title of Ms. Progressive. It is, however, clear to me which of these two challengers knows how to give a straight-forward answer to the question that is asked.

I believe that Puglia did the right thing by choosing not to seek the endorsement of the PDS. Further, the PDS should be grateful that she did so as they would have looked even sillier and more disingenuous had they endorsed Ballantyne after giving consideration to both sets of responses.


  1. Regarding response #1 : Changing the name on an educational record requires legal documentation and can be an intimidating process. Working with two advocates for LGBT students, Joan helped worked out an on-line change of name form that is more-user friendly.

    Barry Rafkind

  2. Thanks for the clarification, Barry. I figured it was something like that.
